

IV-ACACIA 1998-1999 Chatroom

Monday, January 10, 2011

One week Diet

Gather all the ingredients together on a clean counter top.
-1 table spoon
-1 Fresh Organic Lemon or Lime (Calamansi can be an alternative)
-Cayenne Pepper
-Grade A or B Maple Syrup (Can be bought on Health Stores like Healthy Options)
-8oz of distilled room temperature water (250 mL or 1 glass of water)
-100% Sea Salt (Can be bought on Health Stores like Healthy Options)
Take 2 Tablespoons lemon or limejuice (approx. ½ lemon) and pour it into the 8oz of distilled water
Take 2 Tablespoons genuine maple syrup (Not maple flavored sugar syrup) and pour it into the 8oz of distilled water
Take 1/10 Teaspoon cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste, and mix it in the 8 oz of distilled water
Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz glass jar w/lid and fill with the water.
Shake it up and drink. (Cold water may be used if preferred.)
Use fresh (organic) lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or limejuice nor frozen lemonade or
frozen juice.

Warning: You will experience cravings, aches, pains, mental irritability and fatigue. These are symptoms of your body's detoxification.

Every morning, before your lemonade, mix two teaspoons of the sea salt with a quart of water and chug. Make sure you are near a toilet and have about an hour to spare. You'll need it.

This fast should not be used for more than 10 days and you should wait at least four weeks before repeating it. Supposedly this fast dissolves toxins and is great for breaking up mucous. (That much lemon and cayenne will clear anybody's sinuses!)

Whatever you do, do not go directly back to a rich diet after your time on this fast. In fact, the best thing to do during a fast like this is to start setting your mind to healthy eating so that when you go off the fast you can start fresh on a healthy nutrition plan that will keep you body clean and strong. To ease out of the fast, do the following:

On the first day after your fast, drink unsweetened fruit juices.

On the second day, you can begin to eat fruit.

On the third day you may begin to eat light foods. Whatever you do, do not "wake up" your digestive system with high fat foods. It could be a very painful awakening.

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